In Action B.3 a series of CoVs and PIs will be organized and performed. The “good-practice structured program” for Inspections (output of action B.1) will be validated and optimized with respect to target audience requirements through its pilot implementation in selected companies. CoVs and PIs will evaluate the “program” functionality and effectiveness for inspections in the 2 MSs and the proposed guidelines and procedures as to fit the needs of the 2 NEAs and address the technical, organizational and administrative shortcomings/emissions. The tasks of Action B.1 are:

  • Four Common Visits (CoVs) of REACH/CLP and SEVESO III inspectors at selected duty holders sites in the 2 MSs (2 CoVs per MS).
  • Ten Pilot Inspections (PIs) of REACH/CLP and SEVESO III by local inspectors to selected duty holders sites.

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