Deliverables per Action – CHEREE                                                     (downloads password protected, linked to )

ACTION A -Preparatory actions

A.1: Analysis of Inspection criteria and requirements

 Report with identified inspection criteria for REACH/ CLP and SEVESO III enforcement
(common for the 2 MSs)

A.2: Analysis of target audience needs & Developemnt of Project’s Dissemination and Awareness Plan (DAP)

 Dissemination and awareness plan

 Report on the analysis of target audience needs


ACTION B – Core Actions

B.1: Development of a good-practice structured program for REACH/CLP and SEVESO III Inspections

 Good-practice structured program for REACH/CLP and SEVESO III inspections

B.2: Development of an e-Platform supporting effective implementation of inspections and systematic information for the control of chemical hazards

 Report on e-platform tools and services functions

B.3: Common Visits (CoVs) and Pilot Inspections (PIs) at selected key users-companies and Validation of the good-practice structured program

 Common Visits (CoVs) and Pilot Inspections (PIs) Program for REACH/CLP and SEVESO III inspectors

Β.4: Planning and execution of Inspectors’ Training Courses (ITCs)

 Training material package of the ITCs


ACTION C – Monitoring of project impact

C.1: Monitoring of the project impact

 Final report on the survey for the assessment of the project impact according to the established monitoring methodological framework

 Initial report on the survey for the assessment of the project impact according to the established monitoring methodological framework

 Report on the assessment of the socio-economic impact of the project on the local economy and population


ACTION D – Communication and dissemination of the project and its results

D.1: LIFE standard dissemination activities

 Project logo – project slogan

 LIFE Notice Boards

 Layman’s Report

D.2: Awareness Raising Workshops

 Proceedings of the awareness raising workshops

D.3: e-Campaign supporting effective implementation of inspections and systematic information for the control of chemical hazards

 Report on e-Platform tools’ pilot implementation

D.4: Other dissemination activities (e.g. leaflets, brochures, posters, participation in Conferences, video spots)

 Publications in scientific journals and conferences

 Video spots for web broadcasting targeting the project duty holders – companies

 Leaflets, brochures, posters


ACTION E – Project management

E.1: Project management by TUC

E.2: Monitoring of project progress

E.3: After-LIFE plan

 After-LIFE Plan