The 5th Monitoring Meeting of the European Program CHEREE, by the external monitoring team NEEMO EEIG, was held by teleconference, on May 28, 2021. This was the last monitoring meeting by the external monitoring group. The discussion focused on the
LIFE Cheree video spot
Training Seminar for new REACH / CLP Inspectors of the Chemical Agencies of Crete
The training seminar for new inspectors REACH / CLP was held by teleconference on February 4th, 2021. The event was attended by new executives of the Chemical Agency of Crete who had not been trained in the training activities of
Awareness Raising Workshop for duty holders: “Legislative requirements for chemical products and biocides as related to COVID”

The web-Conference on 4th of December is organized by Department of Labour Inspection (Republic of Cyprus) and co-organized by Department of Agriculture (Republic of Cyprus) and Technical University of Crete (Greece). The web-Conference is supported by the european project LIFE
TRAINING SEMINAR OF INSPECTORS for the SEVESO III Directive on: “SEVESO III Directive: Control and Management of Large-Scale Accidents related to Dangerous Substances. The Legislative Framework for the implementation in Cyprus (and Greece) and the Risk of SEVESO Facilities”
The Training seminar was held by video conference on the 16th of July, 2020 (1st part) and on the 30th of October, 2020 (2nd part). It is part of the Training Actions of CHEREE program and focused on the training
CHEREE 4th Monitoring Meeting, 28 September 2020
The 4th Monitoring Meeting of the European Program CHEREE, by the external monitoring team NEEMO EEIG, was held by teleconference on September 28, 2020. The members of the research team presented the results of the Actions, the course of the
Internet Sales
Do you shop chemical products on line? FIRST search for the available information on the product label. Identify the product hazards BEFORE you buy it. The information on the label should be available in the native language of the current
LIFE CHEREE e-tools promotion by project partners
GCSL and DLI have promoted and announced in their websites the project e-tools and databases that LIFE CHEREE provides for Inspectors and Enterprizes. GCSL website Notification/Announcement DLI website Notification/Announcement$file/K%CE%A7%CE%A0%CE%91%CE%A530_20200826_LIFE_Newsletter.pdf Article for project results on the Cyprus
LIFE Platform Meeting on Chemicals, Vilnius, Lithuania, 27-29 November 2019

LIFE CHEREE project manager participates at the LIFE Platform Meeting on Chemicals, held on 27 & 28 November, and at the Seminar on Indicators to measure Improvement in Chemicals Management, held at 28 & 29 November 2019, Vilnius, Lithuania. The events are hosted by
Dissemination of LIFE CHEREE project at the 38th Refineries Conference, 21-22 November 2019
The 38th Refineries Conference in Elefsina, Greece, was held on 21-22 November 2019. CHEREE representative (TUC) disseminated the scope, objectives and actions of LIFE CHEREE. Special reference was made on the functions and utilities of REACH e-Inspection tool. Agenda CHEREE presentation